The Republic Act 11524 known as the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund (CFITF) Act, was signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in February 2021, and declared as the policy of the state to consolidate the benefits for coconut farmers. The primary objectives of the CFIDP are to (1) Increase the income and productivity of 2.5 million coconut farmers; (2) promote poverty alleviation, education, and social equity; and (3) rehabilitate and modernize the Philippine coconut industry. Through this Act, the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) was prepared and approved to specifically set the directions and policies for the development and rehabilitation of the coconut industry in the next 50 years.
As provided under RA 11524, the Research, Marketing, and Market Promotion sub-program component shall be implemented by the Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (DTI-BMSMED). Under EO 133, the DTI serves as the primary coordinative, promotive, and facilitative arm for trade, industry, and investment activities. It acts as the catalyst for intensified private sector activity to accelerate and sustain economic growth. (from the CFIDP Manual page 189)
LEARN MORE: https://pca.gov.ph/index.php/resources/coconut-farmers-industry-development-plan